I have been living in Southwest Detroit/Corktown for 5 years now and am very disturbed by one thing in particular.... The Idea of one billionaire being able to acquire property after property for what seems to be the sole purpose of adding blight to the neighborhood... Yes there is the obvious one Michigan central station and early on thats all I thought there was too it but as I have gotten more and more entrenched in the politics in the area I have heard that he owns the YMCA on Clark and won't sell to anyone. Also in Hubbard Richard an area where Bagley Housing has done so much to rehabilitate that area from blight has one eye sore that I was told Matty jacked the price up and bought at auction only to leave it blighted and as a detriment to an up and coming area... Then there is the Roosevelt Warehouse which was only recently boarded up after a man died inside.... These are just the ones I know of in SWD. Anyone have a complete list of Matty's property holdings in SWD? I know there are like a billion Matty threads on here but none really address his want to blight the area as a whole... Please feel free to add to his list of blighted properties or correct me if I am some how wrong. I personally believe Matty or the DIBC should not be allowed to acquire one more inch of property till he has restored each of his properties to livable workable condition which we all know will never happen with Matty thats not how he rolls....