Pretty boilerplate statements from the family of the gang member charged with killing Hadiya Pendleton,3977389.story

Whatever family is there deserves a slice of blame as well. The time "to get back on the right path" was years ago. They did nothing, not even kept watch after he had 2nd Chance out on parole. It's possible to turn around a gang member's life as a productive and contributing member to society...some go into gang prevention. But once they become a killer, all hope is lost is my opinion.

Send these two to jail, and never let them out. It's unfortunate one of them apparently has a son, but this guy would have been a terrible father. How could anyone look up to a dad that kills an innocent girl.

My only hope is that Chicago continues to ramp up enforcement and invest in keeping kids out of gangs. I only hope that one day I'll look back and think what great progress the city has made in eliminating violence.