There is legislation in the works to severely restrict "fracking" [[which essentially will cripple a boom in Pennsylvania, ending tens of thousands of jobs), as well as further cripple the coal industry [[rural Pennsylvania is still very dependent on the coal industry for jobs).

Seems ironic how the same environmentalist movement that wants to kill jobs and handicap American energy have no qualms about China opening large numbers of new coal-fired power plants, or fracking and oil drilling in OTHER countries.... don't we all live on the SAME planet?
Wouldn't energy development here in the U.S. be under closer environmental scrutiny and regulation, and create many many jobs, then compared to .. say .. Mexico, China or South America?

Detroit should look like Dubai, not 1980's Lebanon.

Over a year ago, in February 2011, Natural Resources Committee Chairman Doc Hastings and Subcommittee on Energy and Mineral Resources Chairman Doug Lamborn began an oversight investigation into the Obama Administration’s new coal regulations. The Committee is looking into serious questions regarding why this rewrite was initiated, how the rulemaking process itself is being managed, the Administration’s dismissal of the contractor, whether the political implications of the Rule are unduly influencing the process, and the impacts the proposed Rule will have on jobs, the economy, and coal production.

Over the past year, a series of letters have been sent to OSM Director Joseph Pizarchik and Department of the Interior Secretary Ken Salazar, seeking additional information and documents. However, the Administration has yet to fully comply with document requests and continues to withhold the vast majority of requested materials.
"We will have the most transparent administration....."
- Barry Obama, 2008 Campaign Promise