To say I'm disappointed is a gross understatement, but it's time to move forward and understand the ramifications behind PA 4's repeal. The critical questions on my mind at the moment:

- With legal control of DPS' academic house and oversight of teachers' contracts back in the hands of the school board, what pragmatic efforts will be undertaken in order to improve the system's current deplorable state?

- Furthermore, what happens to the EAA?

- What possible recourse, other than bankruptcy, does Detroit now have in order to get its fiscal house in order? Since repealing PA 4 effectively invalidates the consent agreement, what's the next rational step?

Discussing the merits or drawbacks of Proposal 1 is a moot point now; given that this board samples from a refreshingly broad base of Detroiters, I'm curious to hear your thoughts and see what sorts of perspectives we all have regarding next steps.