One thing about Detroit that stands out especially at this time with Sandy looming about is Detroit's weather and environment. I guess environment is how to describe hurricanes, tornadoes, and earthquakes. We don't have them and that relieves some pressure off our daily lives. And, to me, our weather is okay for I don't mind the winter, especially since they haven't been so brutal in the past few years, and our summers have been a good variety of hot and hotter.

I bring up Sandy because she's the latest hurricane scare to hit the United States and I'm sure that its very uneasy living along the coastal states expecting a hurricane to hit or even just during the hurricane season. I love visiting our East Coast states but I don't think that I would love the worry that goes along with being so close to the ocean.Name:  images.jpg
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Then to be in Florida and along the pan handle or in the Louisiana cost and having those hurricanes concerns got to be nerve racking.

Then to be in some of the hot weather states like Georgia, Louisiana, Texas, Arizona, or New Mexico or Nevada has got to bring some challenges. I remember visiting some friends in Las Vegas and attending their son's footage game which started in 8 in the morning to beat the sun.

Now, in my book California is the most beautiful state with its wide variety of climates and landscapes, but mudslides, forest fires, and earthquakes have to add to life's pressures.

So, there's Detroit with its four seasons which allows me the opportunity to show off my winter jackets and wool suits, my spring coats and windbreakers, my summer shirts and short pants and my fall sweatshirts and corduroy pants.

I feel for the people who live along the east coast states and pray that Sandy turns outward towards the ocean and only leaves a little rain and that Louisiana never sees another Karina. And, that The Great Detroit has it's winter start one week before Christmas and end in February, Spring start in March, Summer start in May, and Fall start in November.

Oh, that might be wishing for too much.