19 states allow first cousins to marry. In Michigan it is illegal for first cousins to marry. Will two same sex cousins who love each other be allowed to marry in Michigan if gay marriage is legalized? If not, why not?
And of course you and Cbats simply illustrate my point. Taking a legitmate discussion to an absurd end in a futile attempt to prove a point. Please point me to petition drive or legal challenge advocating 1st cousin marriage? to Sibling marriage? to Man on dog marriage?

In you're snarky comment you and Bats...of course ignore the fact that if opposite sexed cousins were to travel to one of those 19 states and get married, upon return here, that marriage would be recognized as lawfully performed and they'd be granted all the same rights and priveledges of any other marriage. If it's such an outrage and an affornt to Michigan and presumably God....where is the constitutional amendmetn to deny recognition of this marriage? Where is the DOMA for 1st cousin marriges?

yeah...thought so.