On 9/11/12, mobs attacked a US consulate and and embassy killing our ambassador and other Americans. Our Marines don't seem to have fired more than warning shots. Secrets papers went missing possibly including the names of locals helpful to the US and secret information of US policy. Egypt had warned the US that an attack might occur. Local security forces were not present for hours or vanished. Our leaders assure us that this was a fluke and that these governments are our friends so billion$ will still be provided as aid to those governments. They must be our friends because our government helped put them into power. Even though our government has tried to both support the concerns of the First Amendment and Sharia Law, the mob violence is spreading in the Muslim world. The BBC, this morning, even put up a "Latest Protest Updates" thread.

There are so many aspects to this mess that a separate thread needed to be set up because the topic had taken over two other threads.