This is the story of how the Great Manitou had punished disobedient children in days gone by. The spirit had condemned them to flit about in a circumscribed space as little winged insects and guarded by a stern old Manitou.

One day a little brother of these naughty children had resolved to go in search of them. He started out bravely, walked all day and towards night becoming exhausted, fell asleep beneath the leaves of the aspen tree. The spirit which is believed to inhabit it appeared to him and said : "Follow me and I will lead you to- your brothers and sisters." He awoke and found himself going up higher and higher until he reached cloud land. His guide then gave him a bow with a quiver full of arrows, and said : "Always shoot towards the north ; keep one arrow to return with ; as soon as you reach water throw some on your brothers and sisters and they will return to their natural shape, and the evil spirit will never be able to molest them again."

At each flight of a magic arrow a long, solitary streak of lightning appeared like a golden rent inthe sky, through which the child could catch, glimpses of the beauties hidden there. At last he saw where his brothers and sisters were confined and, aiming straight, soon opened the door to the imprisoned ones, who came through the golden crevice in the form of myriads of little insects- which flitted around him joyfully.

During his delight he forgot the injunction of the fairy and sent his arrow away from the north, when suddenly a distant sound like thunder was heard and a fearful voice full of majesty and passion, said : " Presumptuous one, for having dared to invade the kingdom of the Manitou, you shall be made an example to deter others from such profane ambition." He was turned into the heat lightning which is always seen on the northern skies on summer evenings. And the little insects, paralyzed by that dreadful voice, perished in one night. How frequently on a summer's night we see countless numbers of these insects, the familiar "June flies" of the Detroit, hanging to the lamp-posts, apparently dazed from some unknown cause, and strewing the sidewalks to be crushed under foot.

The Indian mother never whips her child, but always throws cold water in its face, thus punishing it and preventing its being changed into an insect or bug. -- An old tale recorded by Marie Caroline Watson Hamlin, 1883