I admit that I only really skimmed this thread but I don't believe I saw anyone address the real problem here. Whether or not you agree with this or not the fact of the matter is that the prospective jury pool will be skewed towards caucasians due to the fact that they are more likely to respond to a jury summons. In addition, in places like Detroit and other communities that have had a large black population there is a problem with many people no longer being at their registered address so they dont even get the jury summons. These are two factors that have been sighted by the committee the court has to try and figure out how to get a better pool of jurors.
Now with that being said I personally don't believe there should be any racial factor in a jury anyway, so long as they are human then they are your peers. We claim to want to move beyond racism but we inject it into matters like this.
As for Ferguson, I think we can for the most part agree that unless the prosecutors royally fuck up then he is going to be found guilty because he is guilty as sin. The man is a crook and a thug. Remember his previous brush with the law when he pistol whipped an employee who he claimed was having an affair with his wife? Read the details on this case and I think you will agree that there is very little doubt about his guilt. This guy was stacking the deck in his favor and using intimidation to get what he could not get through kick backs and bribes.