Does Mr Mayor really think that a 2 minute news conference is going to fix the cultural ill that affects the citizens of Detroit. Does he believe that parents at home watching and listening to his words are going to suddenly "wake up" and say yeah that's right I have to go discipline my teenager who carries a "ghat" The only thing that can fix this problem is the perpetuation of family values and basic human respect for life and you don't get that from a news conference, its too late. His job is to make the residents safe...The people who are committing these crimes and atrocities cannot be fixed only incarcerated. Increase police presence and tactics, get aggressive in prevention, round them up and throw away the key for they have lost the right to freedom. Detroit is a very violent and dangerous place and is sorely in need of some form of STRESS or Big Four units to crack down on rampant criminals. I'm just glad that my DFD/DPD relatives are longer forced to live in the city where they serve.