Ok now we can get back to the Lions.
What are the weaknesses on the team?
1. Cant run the ball
2. Cant stop the run

I think our running game will improve with a healthy LeShoure, the guys has such great potential.
We need to think about O-lineman as a priority. Drafting were we are could be a nice spot for picking up a good tackle. The rest of our offense is solid.

On the other side of the ball the D-line is solid, hopefully we resign Avril.
We are weak at outside linebacker and hopefully re-sign Tulloch at midlle linebacker. Either position needs an upgrade. A good linebacker at #21 would be great.
Another corner would be nice though I think we are in Ok shape there as long as they are healthy.
One big need I see is another talented safety, after Delmas we are very weak.
I look forward to free agency and the draft.