Quote Originally Posted by DetroitPlanner View Post
Okay so they have six kids and keep thier home too hot, but can't afford to pay thier bills??

If this was a priority to the family, why have none of the six kids been able to pay off what is owed? Don't any of them have jobs? Six kids should be able to pool thier money and pay this off in no time.

Why is the heat on so high? I keep my heat at 66 degrees and use the extra money to pay off my mortgage.
If you would read, you would note that the family tried to purchase the house at the banks selling cost of $12,000. After they raised the money, the bank backed out of the deal and stopped answering their phones.

No one is asking for the house to be given to the family for free. Just for the bank to negotiate in good conciseness in a way that keeps the family in the home and the copper scrappers out. Also, all the homes around the home in question will maintain what little value they have left.

For all the posts on this site about the nefarious effects of vacant home I'm surprised to see so many people itching to throw this old couple out.

Where is your heart Detroit Yes?