Barack Hussein Obama, we can say Hussein now can't we?,
has now drove the US economy into a downward spiral from a mild recession leading the US into a coming depression.

His failing socialist agenda will soon wreck many lives across the land and the world.

His, democrats, out of control spending won't work, it will hurt us and our grandchildren when they have to repay via higher taxes, trillions in wasted government spending.

His Tax and Spend, or so called cap and trade, will further destroy american business and make consumers pay more for goods.

Europe is electing conservatives now because they know the socialist maggots ruined their countries and socialism always fails [[unless you like total government control), and they laugh and are amazed the direction the US is going.

When will Obama stop LYING. He hasn't created any jobs, he lies about jobs being saved. He lies about his agenda and the press won't call him on it.