It's not the ONLY thing Detroit's need, got to start somewhere. Who saids it has to be in that order in doing business. How can you complain about something you know won't work or not? Where there's JOBS there's PEOPLE, where there's PEOPLE there's MONEY, where there's MONEY there's BUSINESSES, where there's BUSINESS there's TAX REVENUE, where there's TAX REVENUE there's CITY DEVELOPMENT'S..etc. It's a chain reaction of PROGRESSIVE GROWTH. And yes I do think it will make an impact. People lives near ATTRACTION'S. And by the way, BRING THE GONDOLA back too. What you FAIL to realize is this, we YOUNG folks don't mind this, if you want to keep and retain them here. Got to have something to do besides work and go home. That's why it's sooo dead after 6p..THERE'S NOTHING TO DO...[[the same reason[[s) most of my friends left for Chicago, Atlanta, and New York. ENTERTAINMENT...JACKass!