Well, things got a little crazy in Royal Oak Saturday night. The YMCA was rented out for a birthday party, and two of the guests got into a fight. They were escorted outside, and 911 was called. However, the altercation continued, and people spilled out onto the street, quarreling loudly, until all the shouting and commotion was ended with a gun shot. Approximately 50 people scattered in all directions. The police arrived within 90 seconds of the gunshot and created a perimeter - as wave upon wave of cruisers continued to swarm through the area. The K9 unit arrived and several people were found hiding behind nearby houses and were interviewed by the police. Apparently the shooter was quickly found and arrested; and fortunately, there were no reported injuries.

I live across from the YMCA and just thought I'd share this as a matter of public interest, since the story is not showing up in the media. And not that I didn't have this concern before - but I really feel for the folks that deal with this type of disturbance on a regular basis - and who do not get the police response they deserve...