Good 'summarizing' points CC... sometimes I wonder if I can hang on. To wait for Detroit to 'recover' that is. More and more I find myself adapting to the issues of the city and noting the difference and growing contrast of lifestyle and options when I am elsewhere.

One of the good things is the friendly and good people you randomly see from time to time who wave and smile. You at least know your not completely alone in striving to stay.
Quote Originally Posted by casscorridor View Post
...I live a decent life in Detroit, and have lived in Woodbridge, Midtown, North End and Eastern Market. Each of those neighborhoods have things I like, but ultimately I want out of Detroit, as soon as possible. I long for vibrancy and walking outside my door to find people, activity and life rather than what i find currently which is desolate and dark. I am constantly disappointed and depressed by what I find here -- loneliness, divisiveness, segregation, alienation, violence, poverty and misery are everywhere. Detroit is a melting pot of American disorder.

Will Detroit ever recover? Perhaps one day, but not anytime soon. Too much has been lost, too many services cut, too many people have given up too many years ago, too many neighborhoods destroyed or buildings ravaged or demolished. Nothing short of revolution will turn the city around, for the sheer vastness and severity of the devastation can not be undone within the confines of capitalist development, there simply are not enough rich people to rebuild.