In This Detroit Suburb, Some Neighbors Are Real Turkeys
The Wall Street Journal
Nov. 19, 2011
by Jeff Bennett

LIVONIA, Mich.—Roperti's Turkey Farm doesn't market its birds door-to-door. But sometimes it just works out that way.

One morning a few years ago, Karen Todorov was getting ready to leave for work when she spotted a pair of turkeys in her backyard looking at her. Recognizing them as fugitives from Roperti's, she called the farm to report the escape.

That Thanksgiving, Ms. Todorov paid a return visit to the farm, which lies just across a chain-link fence from her backyard in this Detroit suburb. "We have been buying them there off and on ever since," she says.

Roperti's began selling turkeys at its farm here in 1948 with a flock of about 50 birds along a stretch of Five Mile Road, back when farms dominated Livonia. Since then, Livonia has grown into one of Detroit's busiest suburbs.......
[read the entire story]

Let's all take time to give thanks and have an enjoyable holiday tomorrow!