I have made great progress on the home, and planned to move in within a week or so.
All I had left to do was hang the bathroom sink, reconnect the toilet, and reconnect the kitchen sink. [[after removing the bathroom walls, floor, and ceiling; roof, plumbing, wall repair, etc.)

Sadly, the home was robbed twice this week. The radiators I purchased and the heating boiler was stolen.
The costs have risen and the potential benefit has not.
Also, I will find it difficult to have peace of mind sleeping there after two robbings in one week.

BTW, the robbers were not able to see the supplies from the windows, the acted on a belief that with all the work going on, there would have been property of value inside.
The robbers removed steel security bars from the window to gain entry.

I have not given up on Detroit though. I have given up on cheap living in Detroit.
Sadly it looks like one has spend a lot of money to live safely in Detroit.
I would be willing to move into a multiple dwelling building with secure parking.

Many people warned me. Some warned me against Detroit, others suggested Woodbridge.

Perhaps I should have moved to Woodbridge.
For now, I will stay in Royal Oak.