Quote Originally Posted by DetroitPole View Post
"Council members focused their comments primarily on their desire to see the aquarium reopen, but Councilwoman JoAnn Watson said she wants "to make sure this is not backing us into an authority" that the council does not control."

Of course that would be MOTHER Watson's concern, not the Aquarium. What has her obnoxious ass ever done for Belle Isle that she is so deserving of control? Although I bet she's never met a barbeque she didn't like. Her own control, power, and influence come first with her ilk, not the citizens. Glad to see the rest have at least some interest in our well-being.
Sounds to me like "Mother Watson" wouldn't be in favor of the HMCA taking over one of "Detroit's Crown Jewels"... Belle Isle...

Is anyone else surprised that HCMA doesn't want to come back to the table??