"Rich people don't have the same barriers put up between them as working class people do."

I'm not commenting here on the topic directly, but I just wanted to comment that RICH PEOPLE WORK. The term "working class" is offensive because it lumps any person who might develope a dollop of sweat, regardless of education, ambition, intelligence, or anything else into the same group. I am by no stretch rich, and would be considered "working class," but I know it is wrong to divide people that way. We're individuals with our own problem, talents, and outlooks on life. No one is in need of anyone looking out for their "class." This is not colonial India for God's sake. We don't have castes!

Sorry for the rant, but I think it is belittling to use the term working class. Also, in my opinion, it creates the idea that there is "another side" that you must oppose and can't join. MOST rich people, didn't start that way. I hope to be rich one day, and you can bet your ass I will still be "working" for it.