Quote Originally Posted by firstandten View Post
Immelts theories will either work, or he and his corporate buddies will be exposed big time.
Problem is that being exposed big time has no consequences. Government Sachs was exposed big time and they were paid out 100% on the insurance they intentionally collapsed. Countrywide's massive massive fraud was starting to be exposed so Geithner and Bernacke rewarded them by forcing B of A to buy them so the executives could walk away with tens of millions. All of Enron's scams were fully explained to the financing banks and they joined in on the theft. Never any consequences there either.

Its part of why the markets are in such bad shape. Retail investors barely got touched on this recent collapse because they were already heavily in cash and bonds and even at these low levels, they aren't re-entering the market. Its baffling the professional investment advisors. Its because most people outside of wall street believe that the stock market has become one federally supported scam after another. If the government wants to improve consumer sentiment, they need to stop manipulating the market, get the hell out of the way of state regulation, claw back some of the scammed money, and maybe even put some of their asshole buddies in prison rather than summer homes.