Quote Originally Posted by casscorridor View Post
The problem with Lafayette park is that it doesn't follow urban rules. So "three blocks" from Greektown is actually more like five blocks because you have to go around the freeway and superblocks. The transition from urban CBD to suburban apartment district is extremely dramatic. One block you have the vibrant Greektown, the next block it is completely dead and silent. I'd take what was there before over what is there now any day, even if it was a grimy blighted mess.
OK, I'll take the bait. First of all, I said from the Greektown Casino. Second, In the urban west side neighborhood where I grew up, there were 6 city blocks between the mile roads. With 5,280 feet in a mile, my city blocks were 880 feet long. According to Google Earth, it's 2,900 feet from the Casino to Lafayette Foods or 3.25 of "my" city blocks. How about this, casscorridor? It's a 10 minute walk. Sheesh!