"And again [[I've said this so many times, but no one ever addresses it) the income tax is KILLING ITSELF ANYWAY.. Declined nearly 50% over the past 10 years.. "

As are revenues from property taxes but I didn't hear you advocating the city cuts its property tax millages. Why not? If Detroit does turn around, revenue from property taxes will grow more slowly than those from income taxes. You want to dump the more effective method of revenue in favor of the least effective. It's like you want to saddle the city with the worst possible financial structure, setting it up for guaranteed failure.

Why not re-examine the amount of property tax money that gets diverted by the DDA and the various tax authorities? That's revenue that could be going to the city to pay for general operations like police and fire. Instead, it gets funneled to an unelected board to the benefit of a very small percentage of the city's area. Does George Jackson need that money more than Mayor Bing?