I'll keep this as short as possible.

My Grandmother , who just passed away in March , has lived at this Detroit address for over 40 years. Just to note.

Our average water bill is from 50 $ a month to 80 in the summer months [[ 3 to 20 in consumption at it's highest in July 2010 ) . Note last summer 80% of our plumbing fixtures were replaced as well as a new energy saving water tank.

Our November bill oddly was , ready ??? 150 !!!! [[ note - from October 29th to Nov. 22 our basement toilet had been running. I had been in the hospital and no one was here. I had a neighbor shut it off on the 22nd. )

and yet , with no leaks , our December consumption was 114 !!! [[ obvious the toilet being shut off reflected. )

pre November that toilet has always been shut off after use.... [[ it's the last fixture not replaced , but hardly used.)

after 2 techs came to check [[ the first didn't do a thing nor even test anything yet reported our toilet had been leaking for 6 months ! ?? don't know where she came up with that ... the toilet if had been used and left running would have been running for the last 10 years easily ! )

the second tech who came in January after I requested a hearing [[ of which yet after 4 calls and going down to DWSD yesterday )... who had me turn on the water to see if the meter was running , admitted that many customers have had the same crazy bills ! He told me I'd have to be watering my lawn and my neighbors daily to use that much ! I did get his badge number . He stated they weren't allowed to give their names out.

Monday , the reason I went to DWSD yesterday , 2 techs showed up to shut the water off , but held back after finding out I did indeed apply for a hearing . Those two , whom I forgot to get badge numbers , but DWSD does in fact by their records know who was sent out , agreed and admitted DWSD customers had been faced with similar outrageous bills and consumption for the last few months of 2010. They also told me that DWSD actually is aware of this !!

It was only I an my grandmother . our water consumption has always been small. Leaks we have always taken care of .

I'm looking for those other customers whom Detroit Water and Sewage has done the same to.

note -
those electronic systems that Detroit water and sewage installed on homes ? ours I had found twice open . Had told techs and even called DWSD at the time yet no concern from them , yet was told yesterday that those systems are the customers responsibility to keep up !! I was also told that those systems , by the techs that were here Monday who actually looked at it and agreed that it had been opened , that it was an outsourced contract .. if that makes any difference.

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