I've recently noticed some discussions on forums such as DetroitYes around town concerning the Detroit Charter Revision Commission and the lack of resources that exist to learn more about the actions taken by the commission and find information related to the topic. This is the exact problem that a colleague and I found at the end of last year when we began to follow the process. motivated by a need to educate our fellow citizens on such a historical moment in the history of our city we created www.detcharter.com; an independent citizen operated organization to help people understand the process and results. As the Commission continues its drafting phase of the charter we will continue to report on their progress but the draft charter will be released Saturday, May 7th. At that time we will host a series of community discussions to vet the major issues changing in our local constitution. Find more information @ www.detcharter.com/RSVP and find us on facebook @ http://www.facebook.com/pages/DetCha...64119273637431 to follow the progress.