Kloppenburg, the Democrats' choice for State Supreme Court. looks like she will have about one or two hundred more votes than the incumbent conservative Prosser in Wisconsin out of 1.6M votes cast. This is huge. Under normal circumstances, 10 year incumbents breeze through reelections particularly if their rival has never been a judge. However, Walker's tactics [[Custer has competition) managed to alienate working people and unite them against him to the point that Walker's opponents managed to somehow link Prosser to Walker's agenda. This reminds me of when Bush pushed through his mostly for the rich tax cuts. He arrogantly claimed he had a lot of political capital he could use up. He was wrong. Walker is not a fast learner.

The press probably won't cover the other part of the story. School millage elections went down in flames in Wisconsin. I wonder if all the coverage of average Milwaukee teachers earning $100,000 in pay and benefits and requesting free Viagra in their health plan didn't sit right with voters living on $40,000 a year. It could be that the perceived extravagances of both Walker and public unions will be punished for awhile.