Quote Originally Posted by reddog289 View Post
Rita Bell was on in the morning, Then it was Bill Kennedy after lunch on WKBD 50, Then after that back to WXYZ for another movie at 4pm. Alot of the 4pm movies had a theme for the week, Elvis week, Monster week, ETC. Don't recall that with Ritas show.
Rita Bell was on at 8 am on channel 7. Bill Kennedy was on at 1 pm on channel 50. The movie that was on at 4 pm on channel 7 was The 4 O'Clock Movie, which would run up to 6 pm when the news started. This was in the days before the news started at 4 or 5 pm. Yes, The 4 O'Clock Movie often did have a theme for the week. I remember watching A Hard Day's Night, Help, & Yellow Submarine all during Beatles week.