Decided to roll the dice last night and invest in a full tank of gas. I got nervous and shut the pump off when it hit $70.00. Headed to the grocery store and was thinking about picking up a few things for a salad. There were two women standing in the produce aisle in front of the lettuce with their mouths open.
I checked it out and Iceberg Lettuce was $4.39 a head. Romaine was $6.75 a package. There was a sign explaining that cold weather in California, Florida and Mexico were the reason for the high prices. They also included the problem of escalating gas prices. Eggplant and Zucchini were non-existent.
I decided not to have a salad. Milk was up about fifty cents a gallon too. This isn't a huge super store, but it is a large, full sized grocery store.
I looked at a few stories online and they said things could get worse.

Are you seeing these prices in your area?
Are you planning on growing more this season?