Quote Originally Posted by Lowell View Post
Let's see, if there is corruption in Warren or any other city, that gives other communities the right to lay claim to its assets? Since everything involves taxes, revenue sharing, etc. arguably everybody in the state is aggrieved when there is municipal malfeasance anywhere.

Fouts is following an absurd line of thinking that says, "If I am a customer, I deserve ownership of companies from which I make purchases and can demand a seat on on their board of directors." Fortunately there are laws and court procedures that will give this foolishness a simple answer. If you want the Water and Sewage Department, buy it. Not for sale? Take a hike.

Any veteran of 8 Mile politics knows what is really going on. Fouts is grandstanding and code-speaking on this issue much in the mode of LBP. It is a handy deflection of issues facing his rapidly declining and increasingly troubled community.

1910 2,445 −4.8%
1920 3,564 45.8%
1930 14,269 300.4%
1940 22,126 55.1%
1950 42,653 92.8%
1960 89,426 109.7%
1970 179,260 100.5%
1980 161,134 −10.1%
1990 144,864 −10.1%
2000 138,247 −4.6%
Interesting that Warren is now at the same population it was at in 1965.