Michigan Governor-elect Rick Snyder says he is working on plans to open an "urban affairs" office in Detroit.

Speaking Wednesday with WJR-AM 760 host Frank Beckmann, Snyder said he'd like the office to work on issues relevant to cities across the state, "but have the good people in Detroit showing leadership on that."

"That's not a finalized decision," he said, "but it's kind of the direction I'm heading. The cities overall are important, with Detroit being the premiere situation. Because again, we need Detroit to be world class again."

Unlike fellow Republicans who in the past seemed to concede the city to their Democratic opponents, Snyder regularly campaigned in Detroit and repeatedly tied the state's recovery to the health of its largest urban centers.

"With vibrant cities that have both economic opportunity and offer a great quality of life, our state will be positioned as a world leader again," he said on a section of his website explaining his central cities policy, which stressed the need to control urban sprawl, curb unhealthy regional competition, combat poverty and invest in infrastructure.

Source: http://www.mlive.com/news/detroit/in...ng_statew.html