Quote Originally Posted by Wingnatic View Post
Windsor to Detroit - $4.50 CDN - $4.00 U.S.
Detroit to Windsor - $4.75 CDN - $4.00 U.S.
$4.75 Cdn.
$4.00 U.S.
Port Huron
CDN $2.75
USA $ 2.50

Niagara Falls
$3.25 CDN
$3.25 U.S.
Algonac/Walpole Island Indian Reservation
CDN or U.S. or a combination of both , indians [[who run/own the car ferry's) don't do exchange rates

Interesting. Who sets these rates? Why are we [[Detroit/ Windsor) so expensive compared to the other ports? It just made me think of why is there such a disparity amongst rates all along the border. I wouldn't be asking this if there was one universal rate for toll for the entire border. Is it just because Manny Maroun owns the bridge here? This just seems so wild west-ish here where one can charge whatever they want without any sort of regulation or rationale other than sheer profit. Shouldn't a border crossing be considered more of an infrastructure thing than a full blown business venture for a private citizen?

I ask because I have no idea so forgive my ignorance here.