Just when most of y'all were comfortable replacing the old Trinitron with the new-fangled High Definition Television, my insane industry introduces a nice dose of technological confusion.

Now the magazines are all abuzz about 3dTV. You heard that right...the 3d permeating the theaters is attempting an invasion of your living room.

I have kept away from it all, even missing Avatar in the theaters in 3d, for basic philosophical reasons...but dropped into a local pro-audio and video distributor last week for a peek at what JVC is doing along the production end of 3d.

What I saw was nothing short of amazing...one of their engineers had filmed his Jamaican vacation with JVC's new HD camcorder...then fed it into their 2d to 3d studio processor...and then onto the same 46-inch LCD monitor used to make Avatar.

It was truly unbelievable...although we all still had to wear cheap sunglasses...which made ZZ Top's song become my noggin's internal theme throughout the demonstration.

After seeing a dual-view LCD from Sharp roughly five years ago at a trade show...where they were proving they could play two images offset like one of those tilt-a-view postcards...I began to wonder when this technology would make those sunglasses go away.

Today, Breitbart news service was used by Toshiba to steal the thunder from one of their competitor's introduction of a no-glasses 3d set...and I say this specifically because of the timing and wording of the news article. It was likely a reprint of a press release, I've seen this too often.


So, my guess is that Toshiba is trying to trump the Sharp introduction...which may be delayed until the CEDIA trade show later next month. I'll be there and will certainly be up on this...since I just HATE format wars, and this whole damn 3dTV roll-out already smells of one.

Cheers anyways, I'll keep up on this as best I can. If you are on Facebook, come visit a new webzine's gestation: www.facebook.com/AudioVideo INsanity. Please join us if you are interested in clearing up the consumer confusion and curing the craziness caused by my favorite industry!
