Quote Originally Posted by fryar View Post
From hundreds of miles away, it seems pretty dysfunctional for there to be a recall going on. Didn't the last mayor go to jail? I mean, I see a lot of griping about Bing on here, but he must seem like a saint compared to the last guy.
Funny thing - it wasn't that long ago that Kwame Kilpatrick was held out by newspaper editorials and forumers as the model of transparency and civic duty. Those who questioned him were often dismissed as being uninformed or having questionable motives.

Today, we have Dave Bing in the Mayor's Office. Detroiters still pay sky high taxes and we still receive very little services for our tax dollars.

And, just like under the Kilpatrick regime, we're still expected to believe that our tax dollars being spent with the utmost stewardship. The fact that many members of the Bing Administration were also a part of Kilpatrick regime is a mere coincidence, or at least that is what we're supposed to believe.

One eventually has to look at ratio of taxes to services and ask: is the Bing Administration really spending our money properly? Or have we just not figured out how they're fleecing us?
It does suck about the bus services, although I guess that only increases the need for a Detroit version of ZipCar with beaters. [fryar smiles smugly]
That just sounds like another way of saying, "Let them eat cake."

Many Detroiters can only the $1.50 per trip to ride the bus. Most Zip Cars cost $8 - $10 per hour, not including the annual membership fee.

And then you'd still have to deal with the fact that Zip Cars require you to return to the car to a designated parking spot, which may or may not be near your destination.

Zip Cars are not intended to be a replacement to mass transit. In fact, if you look at the Zip Cars web site, you'll notice that Zip Car is primary operated in college towns or places that already have a top-notched mass transit system.