While moderate muslims are well meaning, this is not the Islam of Mohammad, much like the liberal,socialist,married,non-miracle Jesus of some professing "christians". The muslim closest to what was put forth in the Koran is that all non-muslim people are second,third,forth class citizens, that non-Islamic religious buildings are smaller and less than any Islamic religious building. Conquered land,people or nations by Islam are in the 'houe of peace' and non-conquered lands,people, or nations are in a 'house of war' Islam likes to build a Mosque on some site that has been conquered as a way of showing how superior Islam is. Islam is not about freedom, but submission, and every gain Islam gets is a victory for Islam. It would not surprise me that Sharia law is allowed in Muslim areas in the U.S.[[Dearborn area is one) soon, to appease these people. Why when so many are so eager to do away with any christian symbol of any type, these same people are so eager to appease the followers of Islam. Are they just afraid, or just ignorant of what Islam truly is and would do to us if allowed.