Quote Originally Posted by Johnnny5 View Post
I've seen them several times in the Thumb and in the U.P, but I highly doubt they'll be visible around the lights of the Detroit Metro area.
It's difficult, but not impossible. It depends on the strength of the storm that causes them.

Just last night my friend saw them from her home in Wixom, although there really wasn't much to be seen down here last night. If you've seen them before, you didn't miss much. You needed to be farther north to see a decent to good show last night.

I've personally seen them in Wixom on 3 or 4 occasions. I have pictures from one of them: http://yupislyr.com/aurora/aurora5.html

I've seen them through the bright lights of downtown Windsor. That was quite a powerful show though. Only a small area overhead was actually visible from deep inside the city. Once you got outside of the city lights though, almost the whole sky was full of them.

Tonight's possible show is forecast to be better than last night's.