
"I got jumped by 6 guys on the bus last night. 2 of the guys pistol whipped me until my skull broke. I had to have Brain surgery today. Now I have a steal plate in my head. I'm all fucked up, ghetto ass bastards. I'll never be the same thanks to those guys. All this because they wanted to rob me, for my iPhone and backpack which had a pair pants and shirt. NEVER RIDE THE BUS!"

You may know him from Magic Stick...
How messed up is it that this is a risk you take when you board a bus in Detroit?? This should absolutely not be allowed to happen-we, as riders, deserve a certain expectation of safety.
I've felt less secure riding DDOT busses this year than ever. Everytime in the past month I've ridden, something crazy has happened. Not crazy like 'getting my head smashed in by 6 guys with guns' crazy, but situations I'd rather not be around.
The bus may be a convenient option, but convenience isn't worth your life! Think about that next time you ride, especially if it's later at night.