That F&M was a dump too. I couldn't agree more with econ expat, that WalMart was filthy. I could never understand how people could throw items on the floor when they were done with them. Were they raised in the wild? I can remember driving past there a few years ago on Black Friday and the line was around the building [[Huge Livonia Police presence. We had heard later that the MP's were on hand to keep order). I'm sorry, there is nothing I "need" that badly or is that much of a "deal" that I'm waiting in those kinds of lines with the possibility that I could get trampled to death when the doors are unlocked. The Wonderland Walmart [[on the few, very few occasions I have been there) is not much of an improvement. The lines are awful and the condition/state of the store wasn't much different than the original location...just a newer, bigger store to trash! UGH!