So, now it seems Aiyana's father may have been involved, possibly the driver of the vehicle during the drive-by that killed the 17 year old Jerean Blake. He has a criminal background involving unarmed robbery and fleeing/eluding in a stolen vehicle. Most recently, possible threats involving a gun AFTER the homicide, against kids wearing shirts paying respect to Jerean Blake. After MSP obtained a search warrant, in order to conduct their investigation, it was discovered their home had multiple stolen vehicles in the backyard, along with illegal electricity hooked up.

So, with these new details, we have to assume that the family all living at that location, both upper/lower flats, were well aware that they were harboring not only 1, but 2 people involved in a homicide. They willingly harbored these fugitatives, knowing the police would be looking for them. So why were grandma and a 7 year old in the living room that late at night? Was it because perhaps they were hiding somebody in the bed where Aiyana or Grandma normally slept? I know when I have kids, when bed time rolls around, they won't be sleeping/resting/laying on the couch at midnight on a weeknight nor a weekend.

While these new facts do nothing to erase the tragic loss of two children, taken way too early in life. It does however cloud the initial picture of this perfect little home, innocent of any wrong doing other than the "bad guy" living upstairs, that they seemingly didn't even know. What's everybody else's opinion? With new facts coming to light, does anybody feel that one, or perhaps both parties involved in the 17 year olds death should be charged with Aiyana's death, much the same as the carjacker recently was charged with homicide of the elderly woman who was shot by the victim pursuing the carjacker?

Again, not to take from how tragic these events are. I just wonder how long before society comes to realize, when you house drug dealers, murderers, and thieves, you bring danger to your whole household, not just parties involved. It's a shame we can't prevent such individuals from breeding in the first place.