DPD Officer killed in eastside shooting
This thread^^ on DISCUSS DETROIT was about Brian Huff who was killed Monday morning in the line of duty. The thread soon took on the argument that the death penalty should be brought back in Michigan. I didn't want to keep cluttering up that thread with politics when it should be dedicated to the officer so I started this one.

My deepest sympathies go out to the friends and family of Officer Brian Huff, as well as all police who put themselves on the line for our sake at measly wage. Please be careful, and for gods sake, count to ten.

Originally Posted by willmess01
Sorry to interject my beliefs BUT I am totally convinced that if the perp thought that he or she may fry in the chair [[if there is proof beyond a shadow of a doubt) that he or she would not pull a trigger so fast. Fact is we have an overloaded judicial system that lets people off too quick, lets them off altogether or can't catch them to begin with. We have too support the men and woman who are doing everything they can with very limited resources.

willmess01, I'm sure that may be the case sometimes but the numbers show otherwise. I myself am convinced that when a perp is at the end of his rope and willing to kill or put themselves in the position to possibly kill, they know that they wont have to spend their lives in prison because the state they are in will surely put them to death. Kind of like suicide by cop, or suicide by judicial system. I would think most criminals who carry a gun are the type that jus dont give a fuck. They are fully willing to gamble with their lives because, what do they have to lose?

The prison system in the US has become big business, largely due to the fact that the war on drugs has put so many ppl away and from the drug war came mandatory minimums, another scare tactic that hasnt worked. California is broke partially because of the three strikes law which automatically puts three time felons away for life. Get caught with a handful of dope three times and the taxpayer is going to be housing and feeding you the rest of your life. Rapists and murderers should of course be put away but I do not believe killing them will put you in anyone's good graces or do any real good. Anyone willing to kill another human being is sick, and as far as Im concerned, needs help.

If we are home of the free, why is it we have more ppl locked up than other country per capita? Were supposed to be setting examples for the rest of the world. We are supposed to be the leader, at least thats what we say, thats what we are taught. The more ppl who go through the prison system the more career criminals were going to be stuck with. Prison is just a college for criminals. Getting a job fresh out of prison is almost impossible, and anyone who spends a few years in prison is going to make some contacts and mix with others who no doubt will be doing bad when they get out. In essence we are creating criminals. Many will say shit like "mass executions" or fast track to the needle. We shouldnt be focusing on how to get rid of ppl who do shitty things but how to steer ppl to do good things. Thats what I believe anyway. I have no faith in this industrial prison system. It preys on the weak minded, and creates more ppl to store than it does teach ppl to live. The death penalty is just the easiest way to cope, its the first thing you want to do to someone who has hurt you so bad that there is no true recovery, its just revenge. Saying it will save us money is just an excuse to back up your need for revenge.

I love this country, but certain parts of it need a tune up. Eye for an eye, is there any thing more shallow than that way of thinking?