kraig, you make some very good points but it is very tiring to listen to the parking excuses that are always made around here. Are people around here that fat and lazy that they won't walk 2 blocks to get to the place they want to be? If that is the case, you might as well level Downtown Detroit now and start building the same strip mall that can be seen in about 3000 locations around the Detroit metro area. By the way, it is cheaper to get a parking ticket in Detroit than parking in one of the over abundant private parking lots that are available, just make sure you do not get towed. Regardless, unfortunately the business model does not exist for a BW3's to exist downtown at this present time. Once a larger population exists and the city government gets their shit together, you might see a national chain pop up. Until then, the local small businesses are the ones who are going to make the real difference in this town, we are needed. An unsubsidized national chain will be a sign that things are starting to change.