While I was unable to learn this fact by scanning the forum in which the trouble occurred [[this forum,) I have learned that a comment I made, probably on Sunday morning, was mis-understood, may have been offensive to some folks, and caused a big mess.

I am asking for the subject to not be re-invigorated in this thread, as it [[apparently) led to more discussion of another forum than Lowell-- whose forum this is and whose rules are not up for debate-- was willing to tolerate; I am responsible, also, for that development, mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa.

When I used the initials "CP," I was not referring to Cerebral Palsy. I have never, and would never, make a flippant remark about that condition, or any other similar condition, nor would I even so much as use a reference to it as a spring-board for a flippant remark about anything else.

What I was referring to is a matter of no significant importance, and I'm not going to digress into that topic.

If "CP" is commonly, and widely-recognized, as a reference to Cerebral Palsy [[as "MS" is, with Multiple Sclerosis,) I was not aware of that, and if I had been aware of it, I would not have used those initials without attaching a clarification of sorts.

In any case, while I do not know what-all went on, in that thread, after my post, I do know that Vic Doucette took it as a reference to a condition which, apparently, he has, and if I offended him-- and it is easy to see why, given his mis-interpretation of my remark, he would have been offended-- I sincerely apologize, because while the offense occurred without any intent on my part and only as a result of a bit of confusion, I am still responsible for the post which triggered the unfortunate chain of events which led to the offense and the big mess which-- as reported elsewhere-- followed.