I have some questions for you guys. What is Homestead exemption? Does it work with second homes? Does everyone qualify for Homestead, seems some of my friends pay a lot of property tax. How does the state pay the 7300 a year per student? How much are school districts allowed to charge you over this amount? I have a small place up north worth about 1/10 of my place down here, yet I pay way more in taxes up there. The SEV even went up this year, even though it is not liveable yet up there and even when it is it will not be worth half of what the SEV says it is. Is it hard to have your property tax lowered? Even though I did lots of big imporvments on my place down here this past year they still lowered the SEV. I really have trouble understanding all of this. Thanks for taking the time to answer, it means alot. I always just payed my taxes and never worried much about it till the last couple of years when this tax stuff started getting out of control it seems.