""Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner [[GYT'-nur) says the U.S. government "will never" lose its sterling credit rating despite big budget deficits and a newly increased debt limit that now tops $14 trillion.
Geithner says in an interview broadcast Sunday that in times of economic crisis, international investors will continue to buy U.S. Treasury bonds because the bonds are a safe investment.
Moody's Investors Service recently issued a warning that the government's credit rating could eventually be in jeopardy if nation's finances don't improve. The cost of borrowing would increase significantly if the ratings service lowered the credit rating, also known as a bond rating, for U.S. Treasuries.""


This guy is beginning to remind me of that Iraq defense minister. "There are no US troops in Iraq" "We are attacking the US now even as we speak"...

Us will never lose it's credit rating? If the foreign markets decide to dump our dollar and opt for the euro instead, which is quite possible, It CAN happen. We're 12 trillion in debt and living on foreign money, but we're a safe credit risk. This guy is nothing but a liar. And his lies will serve only to dig the hole deeper for us.