Some Dyessers might think this trite and inconsequential, but there are times when the people around you can be so insensitive and self-absorbed. Take, for instance, the “Ten Items or Less” check-out lane at Meijer, Wal-Mart, or any grocery store you might patronize. Do you become upset when some shopper unloads twenty or more items when you and others in line have one, two, or maybe five items? How upset do you become? How do you react? It seems everyone might have a story.

While living in Huntington, Indiana twenty years ago, I went to the local supermarket to pick up one bottle of Italian dressing. I approached the “speedy, 10 Items or Less” aisle. There in front of me, was a lady who took 19 or 20 items from her cart and placed them on the conveyor belt. The cashier looked at me and the line of five people behind me who had one or two items, but said nothing to this lady. Her items were checked through.

The lady then took out her pen and pointed to the sign which read, “No Checks Cash Only,” then asked if she could write a check. Of course, the cashier said it would be okay. It is a logical presumption that the cashiers have been instructed by management not to correct the customers.

I waited until this lady’s purchase was completed, then asked her if she had graduated from North Huntington High School. She smiled - probably thinking I recognized her - and said that, indeed, she had. I replied that the local school system hadn’t done a very good job at teaching her to read. Her smile quickly turned to a frown and she left in a huff.

Not expecting it . . . The shoppers behind me applauded me.

Just out of curiosity, what’s your story? How do you handle a situation like this?