Maybe it's just me, but I think that if these were white students in suburbia somewhere, it wouldn't have been made into this big a deal, hence the discussion about including the students race in the article.

It seems that nowadays, everyone is looking for someway to take offense to something. When I attended Wc3, I wore a shirt proclaiming 9-11 an inside job. Classmates thought it was awesome and my professors congratulated me for exercising my first amendment rights without fear. Some lady said she thinks these kids should be expelled from school, denied their basic right to an education because they chose to display their school spirit in a way that offended a few lightweights. These kids have so few rights in this country that they become fodder for over controlling parents and authority figures looking for any means to make examples of those who step out of line. What the hell is this country coming to when we question whether or not to allow a young person, who is already up against the world to make it without ending up in a prison, an education because we don't agree with something they wore on a sweatshirt?