If you need health care, and you have health insurance, they pay for it because you bought a policy of insurance for health care expenses. You pay good money premiums for the plan of coverage that you bought.

If you run into a situation when your health insurer balks about whether or not they're going to pay for a particular treatment, the answer is simple! You just pay for it yourself.

Health care insurance is a good and/or service; and having health care insurance is not your 'right' in any way, shape or form.

In fact, getting health care itself is not a 'right' you are entitled to.

Where it breaks down is expecting that it IS a'right' and its the job of "Government" to make sure you get some semblence of 'health care'.

BUT!...; government does NOT 'give' you any of your 'rights'. You are born with them simply by virtue of being human. The U.S government does NOT produce and bestow upon you, ANY rights.

All people are born with equal rights, even people in North Korea.

The only difference is that people in North Korea are unfortunate enough to have been born under a governmental system that does not recognize their natural human rights.

But, health care is NOT a right, for anyone, anywhere. Food, clothing, and shelter are not 'rights' either. They are all simply goods or services.

If you wanna make 'health care' a right bestowed upon you by 'government', you may as well make food, clothing and shelter 'rights' too, because all three of those things are far more urgently important on a daily basis than needing your appendix out, or a mammogram.

So, quit beating around the bush and at least be honest about it.

Have a nice day.