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  1. #1

    Default Canada to mandate 100% Zero-Emission-Vehicle sales by 2035

    Canada unveiled its Climate Change plan today.

    Article here: https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/can...plan-1.6401228

    Lots of details across a range of sectors; but as its applies to the Windsor-Detroit area, I thought the above was of note.

    Beginning in 2026 Canada will require 20% of cars sold to be Zero Emission Vehicles or ZEV.

    In 2030 that will rise to 60%

    In 2035 to 100%

    In support of this, the gov't will spend 400M directly, and another 500M through the Canadian Infrastructure Bank to fund 50,000+ new EV charging stations.

    For those who really want to get into the nitty gritty, here's the link to the actual plan:


    Warning, it is 231 pages of light reading!

  2. #2


    ^ So long as they are not outlawing ICE cars use/ ownership I guess this will work [don't give 'em any ideas]. Imaging you just purchased a new 2022 ICE model car and told it has to go in thirteen-years!?

    Unapologetically, there are people who KEEP cars that long - or purchase them that old. Like the working class and poor who don't purchase new every three years or lease. It will also be revealing/ interesting how well EV's actually perform in the colder regions of Canada.
    Last edited by Zacha341; March-31-22 at 09:48 AM.

  3. #3


    Re: the grid

    A large part of the United States eastern coast receives its power from the Canadian grid,as we have seen recently,when another country controls energy for another,they pretty much control what that country does.

    Locally as all of these clean energy rampages kick in they add to the bill,the question becomes as millions are dependent on Canadian whims when it comes to energy,if Canada takes a different path then the US citizens,the US will still be subject to Canadian regulations like it or not.

    This is another realm where the US needs to stop relying on other countries for our energy needs,it just gives everybody else but us the power to dictate our lives.

    • Canadian oil and natural gas provided $105 billion to Canada’s gross domestic product [[GDP) in 2020, supported more than 500,000 jobs across the country in 2019 and provided $10 billion in average annual revenue to governments for the period 2017 to 2019. This revenue helps pay for roads, school and hospitals.

    So switching to clean energy and EVs is all well and good but what is absent from the plan,how does Canada plan to replace the shortfall in jobs and revenue loss from the oil and gas sector while increasing the taxes to pay for the incentives for the switch?

    And where does it plan on getting the electronics and chips from,50% of our chips were coming out of Ukraine,that facility is leveled so they are predicting 3-4 years before that is cleared up.

    Not for nothing but a large majority of other countries have walked back simular proposals,most notably the 2030 goal,because they said it was not realistic.
    Last edited by Richard; March-29-22 at 04:30 PM.

  4. #4


    I don't think Trudeau's plans for 100% zero-emission vehicles are going over too well in Canada's energy heartland. On the other hand it does benefit Quebec, whose biggest export is "green" hydro-electric power and Trudeau will do anything to get the all-important Quebecois vote, even if it means alienating half the country, so I guess green-energy is here to stay. Kenney stands by meme calling out green energy policy "[[msn.com)

  5. #5


    ^ há ,he still thinks Canada is a democracy .

    I find it intriguing that two country leaders used the exact same words to justify actions against those they oppose,one stripped every citizen of their rights,the other waged war.
    Last edited by Richard; March-30-22 at 08:10 PM.

  6. #6


    ^ Excluding the Russia/ Ukraine conflict, it's interesting to consider that Canada's seizure of moneys and jailings started out as harmless censoring and silencing of misinformation!

    All so reasonable and expedient [the rights stripping] as so presented.

    Big oaks grown from tiny acorns indeed.

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by Zacha341 View Post
    ^ So long as they are not outlawing ICE cars use/ ownership I guess this will work [don't give 'em any ideas]. Imaging you just purchased a new 2022 ICE model car and told it has to go in thirteen-years!?

    Unapologetically, there are people who KEEP cars that long - or purchase them that old. Like the working class and poor who don't purchase new every three years or lease. It will also be revealing/ interesting how well EV's actually perform in the colder regions of Canada.
    13 years isn't a remarkable length of time to keep a car if you take reasonable care of it. Nothing inherently "working class and poor" about it. My last two cars I retired at 241,000 miles and 264,000 miles. Current one is 181,000 miles and just entering its prime.
    Last edited by Burnsie; March-31-22 at 10:46 AM.

  8. #8


    ^ I hear yah' Burnsie - I'm hoping some bureaucracy doesn't start with car agism in some new emergency 'green' 12-years-to-again spiel.

    More are keeping their older cars [I had a Toyota sedan go over 288K and still running when sold - tranny only starting to slip a bit]. I'm not poor [claw grasping on middle class] and we are keeping ours.

    I don't need a mandate re. car I should drive and the wonders of public transpo. I want door to door service. I provide it for others not able to drive who cannot walk far, and don't want to do busses.

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by Zacha341 View Post
    ^ Excluding the Russia/ Ukraine conflict, it's interesting to consider that Canada's seizure of moneys and jailings started out as harmless censoring and silencing of misinformation!

    All so reasonable and expedient [the rights stripping] as so presented.

    Big oaks grown from tiny acorns indeed.
    Much as I feel the response was overkill at points [[most of the powers were never used or used very narrowly in scope, and almost certainly weren't needed)...

    I feel just as sure that the exaggerated hyperbole of above is too much.

    You do live in a country that kidnapped people [[CIA rendition program); that kills its own citizens [[death penalty); that imprisons people for victimless crimes [[personal drug use) that has property confiscation [[ie. civil forfeiture) and is rated less free than Canada on just about every world index.

    None of which is said to be 'Anti-American' but rather to insist on some measure of realism when evaluating what happened here.

    There is this annoying tendency for some people living in glass houses to throw stones.

    How about dialing it back, and in the right thread discussing the issue more reasonably.

    Now perhaps we could get this thread back on track?

  10. #10


    ^^^ Um, I DID NOT exclude [throwing stones that is] the US from the increasing measures of control - including ones earnings based on governmentally subjective tolerances, etc. Why would/ should I? I'm not an apologist for authoritarianism where ever it occurs or what smiling benevolent face presents it. And we've witnessed that which was once impossibly hyperbolic going live and factual several times in last 100 years.

    And, it was not totally off-subject to discuss how 'Zero Emissions' could be achieved inclusive or older cars and the means to address that.

    We must always remain EYES WIDE open on the 'overkill' factors at play.
    Last edited by Zacha341; April-01-22 at 07:00 AM.

  11. #11


    Canucks going EV by 2035 good for them. I wish oil and gas guzzling Americans can do the same.

  12. #12


    ^ Remember that when you are mandated to keep your furnace to 65 and turn off that air conditioner and limit your travel flight-wise, or how much gas to consume in a week or whatever. All while the ruling elite WILL do as they please mind you [big-foot house, pools, jets, deluxe model cars, double-wide Sub-Zero refrigerators, sumptuous dining, conspicuous consumption galore etc]. Such is the way as we've already witnessed. So not particularly shocking.

    One persons eh 'guzzling' is another's moderate, or required use. Or so thought and protected until the handlers start 'handling' - giving directives.

    Remember, in the US it's usually black folks who catch the fall-out first and hard! Initially cheering this stuff on as we're told it will help us......
    Last edited by Zacha341; April-01-22 at 06:56 AM.

  13. #13


    ^ the OP posted the report,which pretty much covers everything of topic.

    What most do not realize in all of this save the planet thing,it will impact every aspect of their life and drive costs up so much there will only be haves and have nots,even with some of the basic things.

    Take a house on it own - The house and everything inside,the construction of it,the appliances,even down to the food in the regulated refrigerator will all cost more.

    One tiny slice of that is with A/C as an example,because of the regulations the replacement costs have tripled,on top of that in order for the manufacturers to compete they have revamped the manufacturing process,the short of that is,you will not be paying $12,000 every 10 years to replace your system,it will be in 3-5 years.

    Even down to the refrigerant used in your brand new refrigerator,it is propane,go on you tube a look at all of the exploding refrigerators,the materials they are using are cheaper and thinner,so leaks occur sooner.

    Back in the day you bought your wife a washing machine because you cared for her and wanted to make life easier for her,that’s where we are going back to,a BMW will not be a luxury,a toaster will.

    As the regulations drives up costs who is it really going to hurt and how many millions more will be forced below the poverty line.

    In case people have not noticed,because of recent events there is a large De-globalization push,countries are seeing the disadvantages of dependence on others for their energy needs including the materials needed,if we do not ramp up production in our country alongside of implementing green policies we are also going to be outstripping our supply lines,then it will be to late,the mandates will kick in and citizens will be forced to pay up what they do not have or simply go without a majority of the things they are accustomed to,like a car EV or not.

    Currently Canada is at 118% GDP with a negative trade balance,with a average household carrying 107% in debt,have they figured out how people are going to pay for this yet?
    Last edited by Richard; March-31-22 at 01:57 PM.

  14. #14


    Don't worry about all the nice folks working on Trudeau's online troll farms, doing the important work of monitoring websites like this one for "misinformation" and trying to shut down any discussion that goes against Official Government Policy. They'll still be in business no matter what happens to Canada.

  15. #15


    Getting my popcorn ready.

    Waiting to see if Trudeau is going to destroy Canada like Angela Merkel is destroying Germany.

    Problem is, we all like Canada, so I'm really hoping Canadians vote these morons out of office at the very next opportunity.

  16. #16


    As you can see in the picture, the battery powered all-electric vehicle produces 100% Zero-Emission.

    Name:  free [[2).jpg
Views: 304
Size:  102.4 KB

  17. #17


    Quote Originally Posted by CassTechGrad View Post
    As you can see in the picture, the battery powered all-electric vehicle produces 100% Zero-Emission.
    But every recharging will have a motel where customers can sleep until the car is ready to go again.

  18. #18


    The survey asked more than 500 senior decision makers in the UK what their plans are.
    Investments that they might abandon could include improving energy efficiency, installing chargers for electric cars and buying solar panels for roofs.


    A surge in a benchmark thermal coal price to a record high of $446 a metric ton [last] week reflected this reordering of priorities among governments that have been trying to phase out the fossil fuel because of its contribution to climate change.”


    Everybody else in the world is coming to the realization that it all has to be paid for somehow,it is easy to set goals but accomplishing them is a whole different matter.

    Now you have most of Europe thinking,where do we need to invest right now,in our military Or charging stations that will not work when bombs are raining down on our cities.

    There are over 15 million tons of crude oil and fuel laying at the bottom of the ocean in over 6000 ships sunk during WW2 alone,the holding tanks are starting to rust and releasing that into the sea,the expected fall out on every coast of the U.S. alone is over 400 x what the Exxon Valdez did.

    Billions of tons of plastic are floating on our waterways and littering the streets,but yet people show up to save the planet rallies with plastic water bottles.

    We are not even interested in saving the planet from the things we have the power to control today but let’s spend trillions by putting up millions of charging stations,creating more plastic,so we can look like we actually care about something,that we really do not care about .

    90% of everything we touch in life is made with petro based products,so now taxpayers are going to be on the hook for trillions for EVs and a carbon tax will be applied to everything petro based in order to encourage people to switch over,by the time everybody pays that carbon tax on the 90% of everything else in life that surrounds us daily,including the roads we drive on,who is going to be able to actually afford an EV in the first place,let alone have enough left over to charge the thing?

    Lets spend 2 trillion on infrastructure,which is fine we need to do it,but has anybody figured out how many millions of barrels of oil that is going to take over and above what we are all ready using?

    What exactly are we doing,increasing the demand for fossil fuels,in order to not depend on fossil fuels,while accelerating the whole destruction of the planet in the process.

    So we are going to make sure we dump 100 years of carbon into the atmosphere in 20 years just to say what?

    Watch what happens when 15 years from now after everybody spends trillions to switch to EVs and a hydrogen powered air car is introduced,no need to drive on roads,no need to plug in every night,you will not be able to give away a EV.

    We are spending trillions on a technology that in 15 years will be obsolete,just because it sounds good.

    We all know how it is with technology,we all have paid for it only for it to become obsolete,sometimes within months,but as taxpayers we are stepping into a league where we have no business being in,we are dealing in trillions,not switching from an IPhone 3 to a IPhone 4,trillions that generations are on the hook for,trillions that in 5 years let alone 20 will be wasted.

    Last edited by Richard; April-04-22 at 01:15 AM.

  19. #19


    2035? I'll be 99. Somebody tell me how it went.

  20. #20


    A bought a new 2020 Bolt in January of 2021 more for practical than idealistic reasons. Based on whom [[other) Americans had chosen for President, it was reasonable to assume gas prices would increase significantly. Also, I bought my Bolt for just over $21K including taxes. That was a steal.

    In 14 months, the US has gone from energy self-sufficiency to buying 8% of our oil imports from Russia. That's where green energy policy took us. Biden correctly stopped buying Russian oil at that point and promised to provide 1/3 of Europe's natural gas. Demand will probably cause higher domestic natural gas prices. However, if Europe needs to divest itself of Russian oil, the US and Canada will have to step up to the plate to help make that possible. Canada has already offered to help meet Europe's energy needs. The US will have to step up production. If it steps up production, that might interfere with green agenda goals. Meanwhile, China and India will be able to manufacture stuff with cheaper Russian oil. It might be a good idea to slap a an import tax on imported products manufactured with cheaper Russian oil.

  21. #21


    We do not have enough CNG transport ships in order to supply Europe with 1/3 of their natural gas needs,production was curtailed because of the switch to green.

    The U.S. and Canada needs to produce for ours and their needs,as it stands what happens in Ukraine will determine everybody’s future when it comes to CNG,if Russia controls it then we are all screwed because they will be dictating not only the price but in what currency it will be paid for,at that time the only thing the USD will buy is what is produced locally.

    Thats Europes choice also,either support Russia or support Ukraine,because one or the other will be their supplier,who they choose dictates our choices.

    About that time is when all of this green stuff will take a back seat,because the cost of energy to even produce it will be so expensive,most will be more concerned about cooking,heating their homes and putting fuel in their vehicles without declaring bankruptcy in the process,today.

    People can create mandates all they want,but when you have the average person struggling to pay their rent or mortgage,put food in the table and power their homes,you are going to have a hard time convincing them to suck it up in exchange for something that may happen 10 years down the road.

    Thats our choices,either the U.S. and Canada ramps up production,today,or put troops on the ground,otherwise in about another 6 months,what we see today is just a little taste of where we are heading.

    2010 they discovered 47 trillion CF of NG pocket in the Donbas region of Ukraine,that’s what it is about.

    Whoever controls that controls Europe,and us by default.
    Last edited by Richard; April-06-22 at 11:06 PM.

  22. #22


    The actions and policies leading up to these dates will impact us NOW, even here in the US as there are talks of monitoring individuals use of energy - by way of usage credits consumed, or not.

    You don't have to be anti-green to know that northern America especially not the US [due our density alone] can't go 100% zero-emissions like a flip of switch.

    Our electrical grid in on life-support in some areas. Our roads remain horrid for any vehicles to travel over: ICE, or EV!

    There's little priority or emphasis to strengthening/ repairing our grid, roads, bridges etc. - while tons of money is all but thrown at other 'projects' and political special interests deemed far more important?

    Japan, an early innovator of EV's, knows better than to attempt the goal of full on Electric. They acknowledge that their electrical grid can not handle it.

    I guess we know something they do not?

    Quote Originally Posted by Ray1936 View Post
    2035? I'll be 99. Somebody tell me how it went.
    Last edited by Zacha341; April-07-22 at 10:41 AM.

  23. #23


    ^ that’s how our government works though,throw trillions at something and it magically appears in reality.

    The problem in this is we went into a globalized economy, so unless we are completely self sufficient Henry Ford style and can control all aspects of green from raw materials to finished product they cannot really put goals out because there are to many variables that we cannot control.

    Its no different when they slammed highways through the heart of cities,the mindset was we need to do this now,they did not take into account unintended consequences,generations paid the price for that.

    I can see going green,but to do it with the attitude of not taking into account the ramifications of those who it effects negatively in the process, Kinda defeats the whole purpose.

    If they laid the foundations first then built from that it would be different,we seem to have a habit of sacrificing current generations for future generations,it can be reasonably phased in.

    The biggest problem I find with politicians is most are in income brackets that are totally disconnected with the average working person,they have never been in the position of having to choose between lights and food.

    This is all a game of billionaires and the end result is going to be an even further disconnect between the haves and the have nots.

    They do not have a plan,green to most of them is a different kinda of green that they want and it has little to do with the planet.

  24. #24


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    ^ há ,he still thinks Canada is a democracy .

    I find it intriguing that two country leaders used the exact same words to justify actions against those they oppose,one stripped every citizen of their rights,the other waged war.
    As a Canadian citizen , I’ve lived there over 50 years before becoming a US citizen also due to marriage, I can most assure you that Canada is a democracy, and a very well functioning one at that . Trudeau , if anything, waited for a long time hoping that these protesters would begin to behave and protest in a legal manner, as he frequently urged them too, he did what was necessary to stop illegal behavior from holding the capital city , downtown and it’s thousands of residents captive for over three weeks, as well to get trucks to cease honking horns 24 hours a day making the thousands of downtown residents life totally miserable on top of that [[ a 21 year old female Ottawa citizen had to sue to stop that, that’s how long the government tolerated it ), There is such a thing as noise ordinances, they were totally ignored. I have a niece who lives in downtown Ottawa and she described the living situation there as an absolute out of control zoo , Her neighbors, as well as others, LGBTQ flags were actually ripped off the porch off their downtown townhouse . You cannot just hijack a city downtown for three weeks and expect it to be OK, nor can you block an international border crossing and expect that to be OK too. If a group of people came from another country and blocked our international border, we would label them terrorists in one second and they would have been removed . Those people were told numerous times to protest legally , that it was their right, within Canadian laws and they refused... Trudeau did what a responsible leader needed to do once this group consistently refused, and I’m glad he did, as is the vast majority of Canadians that I know . A good portion of the funding of these protests was also coming from right leaning groups south of the border, and they effectively froze these funds , as the protest ,due to their own behavior, was deemed to be an illegal protest. Cdn government [[ both liberal and conservative leaders) followed the law exactly as it was intended to be.

  25. #25


    ^ 1939 there was all kinds of justification for doing what they were doing,it does not resolve one of culpability because they justified the actions.

    Day 1 he called them nazis then stripped the civil rights of every Canadian citizen,that is martial law reserved for war time,what is worse is people trying to justify that action.

    Like I posted before and now because you are a U.S. citizen,if a president ever made that call,they would be removed for treason.

    If it is that easy to strip an entire population of their civil rights,they do not deserve them in the first place,because they will never be able to protect them.

    If you are advocating or justifying in this country for the ability to strip every citizen of their constitution and civil rights outside of a war,you are in the wrong country.

    People already forgot about the truckers,what they have not forgot about worldwide and will forever remain a stain,is that one action of where a leader of a free country stripped every citizen of their civil rights over a protest,they will never forget that because it scares them and shows how fragile the democracies are in some countries and how fast they can disappear.

    That was the intent of the message being sent,I am in power,do as I say or I individually have the power to destroy you and there will be no recourse.
    Last edited by Richard; April-07-22 at 07:24 PM.

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