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  1. #451


    Yes, I hear that G. Some of the articles I question [[and check) on zerohedge, including the aggregate stuffs.

    However, I've noted that some articles there are due to banning from far left websites for partisan reasons [[cancel culture).

    Also, [[not saying you do) I don't reflexively find all apposition to the DNC [[or liberal or left positions) as far right wing, default.

    Nope, I look both ways along the roads of politics. Crossing or just walking!

    Quote Originally Posted by Gistok View Post
    "Zero Hedge or ZeroHedge is a far-right libertarian financial blog, presenting staff-written articles and aggregating news and opinions from external sources."
    Last edited by Zacha341; August-21-20 at 02:06 PM.

  2. #452


    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Wesson View Post
    Why turn a informative article political? Read it for what it is. Leave the politics for The Non Detroit forum.
    The highlighting of "Far Right Libertarian" was the from where I did the copy/paste... not me highlighting it. If anything... I would have highlighted the word "Blog"... Blogs are not news items... just some one or some groups opinion. Also, when I Googled that doctors name, I got next to nothing in the way of results. If he were that well of a respected doctor or scientist, I would have expected more info to come back in a search engine.

    I'm not saying that his theory that this was manufactured in a lab is false... just that he probably hasn't convinced enough scientists that it did come from a lab.

  3. #453


    What also makes it suspect is that he is putting in a book form instead of sharing this "startling" information with the rest of the world without them having to buy his book.
    Quote Originally Posted by Gistok View Post
    Why not? Even Albert Einstein's "theories" were not universally accepted in his lifetime [[and some things were proven false).

    And besides... a right wing Blog is not what one would exactly call a "medical journal"....

    "Zero Hedge or ZeroHedge is a far-right libertarian financial blog, presenting staff-written articles and aggregating news and opinions from external sources."

  4. #454


    Im sure the publisher won't do it for free. Im sure he and the publisher are not going to get rich off the "Book".

    Again it is not the messenger it is the story. It is getting more and more plausible as time goes on.

    This is how vaccines are designed, tested and patented.

    If you got time listen to this podcast on Polio by the fellas at 'Stuff You Should Know'. The similarities between then and now are many. This is in the 60's and 70's. this virus manipulation has been going on for years. Now with CRISPER it is getting dangerous.


    They also just had Bill Gates on their podcast a few days ago talking about the vaccines. I found it interesting when they asked Bill why the Flu vaccines are so hit and miss and people still die. He said two things. One, they go to China the year before and see what going around there and hope that will be the strain to travel the world. Two, The vaccines don't work well on old folks.
    Last edited by Dan Wesson; August-21-20 at 05:28 PM.

  5. #455


    Here G do you find this site more acceptable?


    Surely they must be free from american psychosis running rampant nowadays.

    It does seem to be more of a book review.

  6. #456


    Every article I could find about this guy says the same thing;
    he is a man of considerable stature in the global scientific community
    but it doesn't give his credentials. And his research isn't out there to be looked at; you have to buy the book. And he's the head of WABT, an organization that I can't find anything about other than on its own website.

  7. #457


    A shallow rabbit hole. It be. Big money involved and prestige to the winner. Back in the day it was Jonas Salk and Albert Sabin. Remember Sabin's sugar cube?

  8. #458


    I remember that Salk was live vaccine and Sabin's was dead, but I don't see what it has to do with this case. I doubt there were many people who were searching for who they were, what their research was or what their credentials were. No one much cared as long as their children lived. They both ended up with prestige and the gratitude of millions of parents.
    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Wesson View Post
    A shallow rabbit hole. It be. Big money involved and prestige to the winner. Back in the day it was Jonas Salk and Albert Sabin. Remember Sabin's sugar cube?

  9. #459


    From a site about another vaccine...

    "To develop the
    vaccine, the researchers inserted the virus' spike protein, which coronavirus uses to invade cells, inside another virus—called an adenovirus—that causes the common cold. But the scientists tweaked the adenovirus, rendering it unable to cause illness. The harmless adenovirus carries the spike protein into the nose, enabling the body to mount an immune defense against the SARS-CoV-2 virus without becoming sick. In another innovation beyond nasal delivery, the new vaccine incorporates two mutations into the spike protein that stabilize it in a specific shape that is most conducive to forming antibodies against it."

    Talk about slice and dice.

    Would be nice...

  10. #460


    Quote Originally Posted by jcole View Post
    I remember that Salk was live vaccine and Sabin's was dead, but I don't see what it has to do with this case. I doubt there were many people who were searching for who they were, what their research was or what their credentials were. No one much cared as long as their children lived. They both ended up with prestige and the gratitude of millions of parents.
    Salk vaccine was the dead variety and expensive. Sabin had to go to Russia to get his attenuated live virus vaccines accepted as a more improved and less expensive vaccine that could be used worldwide.

  11. #461


    You are correct; I reversed them
    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Wesson View Post
    Salk vaccine was the dead variety and expensive. Sabin had to go to Russia to get his attenuated live virus vaccines accepted as a more improved and less expensive vaccine that could be used worldwide.

  12. #462


    Interesting, this CNN Covid-19 "Back to Normal" indicators by state map... Michigan's index is 87% back to normal, tied for highest among Great Lakes States, and well above the Northeast....


    ... and well above the USA average of 78%. Hover your cursor over the state map to get details.
    Last edited by Gistok; August-24-20 at 08:38 AM.

  13. #463


    As an aside, I was picking up a prescription at my local Walgreens, and the pharmacy tech asks if I wanted a flu shot-"no charge, your insurance covers it". Had it done, remembering that vile December of '68 in Detroit when I caught the original Hong Kong A influenza. Incapacitated in bed for a week, weak as a little girl for three weeks afterwards, from barely 160 pounds to 145, no effing thanks!

  14. #464


    Quote Originally Posted by pjbear05 View Post
    As an aside, I was picking up a prescription at my local Walgreens, and the pharmacy tech asks if I wanted a flu shot-"no charge, your insurance covers it". Had it done, remembering that vile December of '68 in Detroit when I caught the original Hong Kong A influenza. Incapacitated in bed for a week, weak as a little girl for three weeks afterwards, from barely 160 pounds to 145, no effing thanks!
    Ditto at my local CVS. Got my flu shot and my script in one go!
    I had the flu at 30 [[I'm 55 now), and I do not care to repeat the experience. Thanks to annual flu shots and taking some basic precautions, I have managed to avoid it since.

  15. #465


    The Plan That Could Give Us Our Lives Back:
    The U.S. has never had enough coronavirus tests. Now a group of epidemiologists, economists, and dreamers is plotting a new strategy to defeat the virus, even before a vaccine is found.
    Michael Mina is a professor of epidemiology at Harvard, where he studies the diagnostic testing of infectious diseases. He has watched, with disgust and disbelief, as the United States has struggled for months to obtain enough tests to fight the coronavirus. In January, he assured a newspaper reporter that he had “absolute faith” in the ability of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to contain the virus. By early March, that conviction was in crisis. “The incompetence has really exceeded what anyone would expect,” he told The New York Times. His astonishment has only intensified since.

    Many Americans may understand that testing has failed in this country—that it has been inadequate, in one form or another, since February. What they may not understand is that it is failing, now. In each of the past two weeks, and for the first time since the pandemic began, the country performed fewer COVID-19 tests than it did in the week prior. The system is deteriorating....

    So here is what May 2021 could look like: Vaccines are rolling out. You haven’t gotten your dose yet, but you are no longer social distancing. When your daughter walks into her classroom, she briefly removes her mask and spits into a plastic bag; so do all the other children and the teacher. The bag is then driven across three states and delivered to the nearest Ginkgo processing facility. When you arrive at work, you spit into a plastic cup, then step outside to drink coffee. In 15 minutes, you get a text: You passed your daily screen and may proceed into the office. You still wear your mask at your desk, and you try to avoid common areas, but local infection levels are down in the single digits. That night, you and your family meet your parents at a restaurant, and before you proceed inside, you all take another contagiousness test. It’s normal, now, to see the little cups of saliva and saline solution, each holding a strip of color-changing paper, sitting on tables near the entrance of every public place. And before you fall asleep, you get a text message from the school district. Nobody in your daughter’s class tested positive this morning—instruction can happen in person tomorrow.

    There is no technical obstacle to that vision. There is only a dearth of political will. “The lack of testing is a motivation problem,” Stuelpnagel said. “It’s going to take a lot of effort, but it should take a lot of effort, and we should be willing to take that effort.” Mina is frustrated that the answer is so close, and so doable, but not yet something the government is considering. “Let’s make the all-star team of people in this field, pay them whatever they need to be paid, put billions of dollars in, and get a working test in a month that could be truly scalable. Take it out of the free-market, capitalistic world and say: ‘This is a national emergency’—which,” he said, “it is.”
    Last edited by Jimaz; August-27-20 at 08:22 PM.

  16. #466


    Quote Originally Posted by Gistok View Post
    Interesting, this CNN Covid-19 "Back to Normal" indicators by state map... Michigan's index is 87% back to normal, tied for highest among Great Lakes States, and well above the Northeast....


    ... and well above the USA average of 78%. Hover your cursor over the state map to get details.
    Michigan's "Back To Normal" index has improved... we are now at 88% of our pre-pandemic level... higher than all states larger than Michigan... and most states smaller [[I believe we are in the top 7)...


  17. #467


    I had to chuckle at that fear/greed gauge and how it make greed look good.

  18. #468


    Don't matter. We're all gonna die. Saw it on MSNBC.

  19. #469


    Hah! Well as my paternal grandma used to say 'You know how you came in, you don't know how you're going out!'...

    I've taken reasonable precautions re. the COVID, but not severe. I'd rather not go out bound up, on a ventilator.

    Good news that Michigan numbers are better. I can't see how it wouldn't be.
    Last edited by Zacha341; September-05-20 at 07:53 PM.

  20. #470


    Quote Originally Posted by Zacha341 View Post
    Hah! Well as my paternal grandma used to say 'You know how you came in, you don't know how you're going out!'...

    I've taken reasonable precautions re. the COVID, but not severe. I'd rather not go out bound up, on a ventilator.

    Good news that Michigan numbers are better. I can't see how it wouldn't be.
    Actually, Michigan numbers are up 20%.


    What's up with Adrian College? Far more cases at this tiny school than MSU which far larger.


  21. #471


    ^^^ Thank you for these update Enio. This speaks to why so many of the K12 schools here locally have chosen online, distanced learning.

    I will save these links for future reference!

  22. #472


    How long can they hold on? Here's an interesting tidbit on the devastated hospitality industry in Detroit with downtown suffering the most. Interestingly budget venues are faring better.
    Larry Alexander, president and CEO of the Detroit Metro Convention & Visitors Bureau, said suburban hotels and budget hotels have generally fared better during the pandemic than upscale downtown hotels, which are operating at a roughly 20% occupancy rate.

    “We have a number of higher-end luxury hotels in downtown, and that's the category that's doing the worst,” he said.

    Overall, the hotel occupancy rate in the metro region of Wayne, Oakland and Macomb counties was just under 55% near the end of August, down from the “high 60s” a year ago, Alexander said.

    “What we see is that the budget hotels and the economy hotels in the tricounty area are the ones that are doing very well,” he said. “The budget hotels are running 70% occupancy, the economy hotels are running 61% occupancy, and if you just look at downtown, downtown is running about 20%.”


  23. #473

  24. #474


    Here's the fascinating history of how Spain's King Carlos IV launched The Royal Philanthropic Vaccine Expedition circa 1800 to combat smallpox throughout the empire. They infected a group of young orphan boys with cowpox to preserve the virus during a voyage around the world to inoculate people against the more deadly smallpox.

    Centuries after spreading smallpox, the Spanish led a global campaign to fight it

  25. #475


    Will GretchMer concede her error and resign?

    [[CN) — Coronavirus-related policies implemented by Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf’s administration, which required people to stay home, ordered “non-life-sustaining” businesses to close, and placed limits on public gatherings are unconstitutional, a federal judge ruled Monday.

    U.S. District Judge William Stickman IV, an appointee of President Donald Trump, said that measures taken by Wolf and the state’s secretary of health to combat the spread of the virus were “well-intentioned,” but he found that “good intentions toward a laudable end are not alone enough to uphold governmental action against a constitutional challenge.”

    The judge ruled that limits imposed on gatherings violate the right of assembly under the First Amendment and found that stay-at-home and business closure orders violate the Fourteenth Amendment.


    The ruling: https://www.courthousenews.com/wp-co...ler-v-wolf.pdf

    This was Pennsylvania and they are not in the Sixth Circuit, so that may not apply to Michigan ... yet.

    These Governors acted well outside their scope of authority and MUST be held accountable.

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