Hi everybody.

I've lived downtown for a year and half now. Over the last few weeks, there has been a major increase in violent crimes robberies near me. And I'm troubled.

Three weeks ago, there was a shooting inside Kingdom nightclub, next door to Saint Andrews. Shortly after, there was another shooting outside - which I heard happen and watched the aftermath. Outside, three bouncers fired 22 shots, killing a man who's car who had hit the building. In the weeks since, the family of the guy killed by the bouncers have been protesting the club. They say their son, a father of three in his 40s, was a photographer hired for a party inside that night. They believe he filmed the shooting inside, and was killed for his camera, which was missing after he was killed.

Two weeks ago, my friend in Corktown was car jacked in front of her home, just north of 75. Three guys took her car and tried to force her into her home. Fortunately, she was locked out of her home at the time, waiting for a friend to bring her key. So the guys left with her car and everything in it - including her computer. They didn't harm her. She was lucky. What would've happened had they gotten her into her home?

Thursday, the Free Press reported two men shot in their car in midtown, north of 94, west of the Lodge. It may have been an attempted car jacking.

Thursday, an off-duty cop got into a shootout with a guy trying to jack the cop's car at the Marathon station on Michigan in Corktown.

Thursday, two men shot outside of club Envy, on Larned near Shelby. One killed, one injured. The deceased was Cortez Smith, a star football player at Wayne State. A graduate of Cass Tech. An electrical engineering major.

A friend of mine was mugged at gun point outside of the party store at Cass and 75 two nights ago.

Last night we saw a guy trying to smash a car window behind the Fox Theater. A friend of mine has had his car broken into three times on that block.

Over the weekend, that landlord was killed over on the east side.

Crime is an old story in the city. And I've had few problems personally, since I moved here. But it seems like a real crazy time right now.

Anybody have anything else to report?