First off, I'm not sure what Matty Maroun has to do with ANY of this.

This is about a culture of violence. As we saw at Warren and Beniteau a year ago, a dirty look can lead to a grown man killing a young man. Then its got me thinking about this Godboldo thing, with this woman getting her daughter taken away from her so she starts firing a gun. That is simply not the answer. The gun culture here is as troubling as the lack of respect for human life. There is also a lack of respect for personal property, the earth, education, law, everything. The city simply can't go on like this. Too many people don't care about ANYTHING.

Even yesterday, on a beautiful sunny afternoon, in my little corner of Detroit, some kids started throwing punches at each other on my lawn. I look accross the street and see some of my neighbors haven't cut their grass yet this year, yet they're sitting on the porch as I'm cutting and weedwhipping away. Young, spry folks too. Just a bunch of fucking losers who don't care about anything, and I'm tired of it. Yet you can bet I don't go say something about it because they'd probably not hesitate to answer me with a gun. Makes me want to shoot somebody myself.